
welcome to my world - artwork

I have to admit, i rarely make some drawing for someone else. It's because i'm shy and scared they didn't like it.

I didn't trust myself. That is, my drawing skill.

That was the past. The past me.

Now i realize that i need to trust myself if i want to go forward. That i can do this.

For the first time ever ( i think this is really the first time ), i push myself to ask my fellow bestie who is a great illustrator also ( check her blog guys here ), to think of some theme for me to draw for her as a gift.

After a day, she said she want a red whale ( that after a while i just realize that was her icon, lol ), a boy, and a city that resemble Russian Saint Basil's Cathedral.

I know she like a fantasy and conceptual theme as much as i am,
so i was thinking to make this all in some container,
i imagined a bottle, to represent that this is her imagination inside her head,
a world inside,
and she welcome anybody who want to look inside it.
Anything can be happen inside it.
A playground, imagination, a world inside.

so here is the outcome,
welcome to my world.

hope you like it :D