

Doing a lot of trial and error are really good practice. Especially in cooking.

Some of the attempt will bring you disaster-even-dog-won't-eat-it and sometimes like...heavenly. 

I think I know why Japanese cooking anime or manga have that bizarre outrageous expression when someone taking a really *extra-good* cooking. I did feel almost like that sometimes when eating nice foods.

Like today's trial and error gave me a really nice outcome.

°picture : hmmmmm, pesto pancake


cooking for pleasure.

Every people have their own place where they can express themselves and have a peace in mind. Bedroom, work room, library, maybe bathroom ( well some people, honestly ) etc.

Kitchen, is one of my place to be.

i live for eating, it is the root of my love for cooking. I usually get lost myself when it come to cooking, a self-indulgence and stress relief believe it or not.

I'm not an expert for it, nor a i can say i'm really good at it. Cooking is for fun to me, to mix all kind of ingredients and herbs, try new things, experimenting, it must be enjoyed not a must to do.

A nice clean kitchen is a must. It's the same with when you taking a bath you have to do it everyday so you stay clean and nice. I don't think you want to take it just once a week right? you'll be a threat for other people.

Picky is one word for me also when it come to decorating and adding utensils.
A bright one near windows, and lots of indoor plants will add plus point in it, who wants to stay whole time if the place is scary looking room with stains everywhere, dark, damp, and looks eerie. I don't think so.

This week my partner do some installment in the kitchen. A place to hang the utensils, more spices rack, and shelf for more plants near the table. And guess what, he did it all by himself, i really happy and proud of you! :D

Not to forget a cute apron for cooking! how can it be more cuter than polkadot-laced apron for it...there's no any cuter apron than this!*dance* :D



You would not believe your eyes. If ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep.
'Cause they'd fill the open air and leave teardrops everywhere.
You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare.

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs. As they tried to teach me how to dance.

A foxtrot above my head. A sock hop beneath my bed. A disco ball is just hanging by a thread.

Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac

(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep

(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies. I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes. I got misty eyes as they said farewell.
But I'll know where several are. If my dreams get real bizarre. 'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar.

I'd like to make myself believe. That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay. Awake when I'm asleep.
'Cause everything is never as it seems when I fall asleep.

It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep.
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.

Fireflies by Owlcity

For once in my life, i want to go somewhere where you can see thousand fireflies at night. It's one of my dreams. I wonder where on earth now we can find this kind a place?

i wish...

°picture : sunjar


5 simply heaven for me : 26092011

1. smoked salmon, i really adore salmon ( not a cooked one though )

2. spaghetti, hail to the one who invented it! they are so awesome, tasty and easy to deal with anything ; )

3. plants, they never failed to bring your room more brighter and fresh. I'm going to add installment shelf later for put more of this baby.

4. bookshelf, i want to have this as a small library and now i have it thanks to my partner... :D

5.  my cooking books, this is my first time i can use it here and cook for real.

 °picture : spaghetti with smoked salmon ; simply heaven.

 °picture : my simple dining table.
 °picture : bookshelf with comfy bed for lazying reading.
 °picture : cooking book, and first Nigella lawson and Jamie Oliver's books.


life with carnivora-plantea-mario's-longtimenemies.

I always adore this strange-odd carnivore plants.

I dream of having a garden or house full of this beautiful plants ( just hope my partner ok with it :p ), probably scary for some people.

So, strangely enough, i don't think i will find this plants in Finland ( well because this is tropical plants ). Surprisingly many of stores have this tiny creatures that always used by movie as a really big-badd-asses plant that eat anything.

Let me tell you one thing, be thankful because the real legendary-man-eating plant are really small and even tiny. It won't hurt you, well it's a nightmare for small insects. Deep condolences for them.

Anyway, this is my first venus flytrap ever. I worried at first it'll die fast because its a tropical plants, and now i want to keep it in the area of one of the most coldest region!

some said its more hard to keep than a pitcher plants, the other family of the carnivore party. 

Nuff' said, this is my baby-venus ;

 °picture : my first venus flytrap.

For 1-2 weeks first, its still thrive in my apartment. Need to move it for couple times to a really sunny bright area in the room. It said they need moist also, so i usually water it every morning and at night.

Suddenly at one morning I found this little baby...have a new baby!...I mean "trap" ( the scary looking teethy-one its called trap, yes, the one for catch the victims and eat it slowly ).

 °picture : the newly trap, haven't open yet.

 °picture : venus's trap , good for crushing victims alive.

OK, i will be honest. If you in any chance have this baby at your house, i doubt you never try to see how this baby *eating*...i bet you once or more want to feed them also and see its action. Like, who don't want to see the legendary-man-eating plants in action in the real life?

I found some little spider in my apartment, and i'm so sorry lil' guy, but i need to feed my baby away. So i get it and pluck it to one of the trap, they happily crushed it....

**don't ever feed them with insects that are more larger than the trap, or feed them meat or anything than insects. you will kill your plants it right away if you do!**

Now, this is the remaining of the spider after a couple days it digest it ;

 °picture : just having some snack


simple invention.

Wondering why sometimes peoples struggling with hard and complicated ideas that in facts, just a tiny, simple idea can help you a lot.

this is one example that peoples in other country should copy this *awesome* simple Finnish dry-rack-shelf, or they called it *dish draining closet* invented by Maiju Gebhard

you don't have to worry about the wet dishes in shelf, no need fancy drying machine, no need to wipe it with cloth.

How they do it?


just make *hole* under the shelf rack and install it right on top of the sink.

I don't think i ever see this in other country than Finland.

 °picture : own shelf-apartment, Finland.