
cooking for pleasure.

Every people have their own place where they can express themselves and have a peace in mind. Bedroom, work room, library, maybe bathroom ( well some people, honestly ) etc.

Kitchen, is one of my place to be.

i live for eating, it is the root of my love for cooking. I usually get lost myself when it come to cooking, a self-indulgence and stress relief believe it or not.

I'm not an expert for it, nor a i can say i'm really good at it. Cooking is for fun to me, to mix all kind of ingredients and herbs, try new things, experimenting, it must be enjoyed not a must to do.

A nice clean kitchen is a must. It's the same with when you taking a bath you have to do it everyday so you stay clean and nice. I don't think you want to take it just once a week right? you'll be a threat for other people.

Picky is one word for me also when it come to decorating and adding utensils.
A bright one near windows, and lots of indoor plants will add plus point in it, who wants to stay whole time if the place is scary looking room with stains everywhere, dark, damp, and looks eerie. I don't think so.

This week my partner do some installment in the kitchen. A place to hang the utensils, more spices rack, and shelf for more plants near the table. And guess what, he did it all by himself, i really happy and proud of you! :D

Not to forget a cute apron for cooking! how can it be more cuter than polkadot-laced apron for it...there's no any cuter apron than this!*dance* :D

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