
What i've learned 24022012.

Some week ago, i have an urge to eat chinese potsticker ( jiao zi ). I want to make it myself but get scared of failing it.

Then i push myself at last to make it, and it turns out well and nicely even the look of it not so promising i think, here's the evidence ;

The taste are pretty same with what i remember when i still in Indonesia. I really happy that i tried it, it's not too hard actually, i will make more of this later.

#Life, is the same. 

We always afraid to do new things for the first time, after you try it and experience it yourself, you eventually gain more courage to do it more and making it better. 

Learning from your mistake in the past and move on into new challenges.

Sometimes we scared at first before even try it because see or hear other people said it is hard. But until you try it yourself, how do you know if it really hard? who know if it really easy?

It's like when you open one door, 

the other will open also for us. 

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